Locations of Iranian forces presence in Syria 01-08-2020
Aug 06, 2020 4381

Locations of Iranian forces presence in Syria 01-08-2020

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Jusoor for Studies Center released a map of the Iranian forces’ (not only the militias affiliated with Iran) locations and presence in Syria on August 1. The map included 125 locations, distributed over 10 governorates with the highest number of locations in Daraa with 37, followed by Damascus and its countryside with 22 locations and then Aleppo with 15 locations.

Iran represents the second largest military forces in Syria today after Russia, America and Turkey. The Iranian forces participate as a guarantor of the ceasefire system in the northwest of Syria, and are considered the main supporter of the Syrian regime forces in ground operations. The Iranian forces presence in Syria also poses a threat to Israel's national security policies.