The American military strike on the Shayrat military airfield in Homs, which belongs to al-Assad’s forces, caused the destruction of several air...
In March, the United States deployed military forces and vehicles in the Syrian city of Manbij, northeast of Aleppo. The city is under the control of...
The Scene Realities Syrian regime forces baked by Iranian militias are trying to increase their control in Al Badia as the Syrian opposition tr...
Preface Russia’s intervention in Syria is part of its strategy to reaffirm its role as global power that cannot be ignored or undermined.  ...
Preface Since the launch of Al Mosul Battle (mid of Oct 2016) and Ar-Raqqa Battle (late of May 2016) by US-led coalition and lo...
First: Preface Since the beginning of Hafez Al Assad’s presidency, he made sure to link all institutions and societal actors in Syria with th...
Preface On the 9-10/12/2015, the High Negotiation Committee (HNC) had emerged after Riyadh Conference in order to unify the military and political fo...
Preface For the first time since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, six years ago, the US has shot down a Syrian regime aircraft near Ar-Raqqa. ...