Mr. Mahmoud Yonis is the General Manager of Market Insight for Consulting and Strategic Studies company. Mr. Younis has a B.A. in Information Systems from Ajman University of Science and Technology. He is an Internal Evaluator, the EFQM European Association for Institutional Excellence. He is a certified trainer and consultant in the (DiSC) methodology to analyze and evaluate personal behaviors within the labor market. He is a designer of models, strategies and action plans, identifying key institutional performance indicators, designing organizational structures and developing human resources. Mr. Younis has professional experience with in-depth knowledge of the IT sectors, education, government institutions, non-profit associations, training, human development, and research centers. He also has a wide experience in the retail sector. He designed and implemented many training courses and workshops in various aspects of Soft Skills, and he also matched individual abilities and tendencies with available jobs through advanced global tools such as (DiSC) and some of Thomas International's products.
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